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StuNed and DIKTI Scholarships for 20 Young Indonesian Lecturers to study in the Netherlands

Today, the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) and the Netherlands Education Support Office (Nuffic Neso Indonesia) signed an MOU to co-finance two more batches of the International Master Program on Mathematic Education (IMPoME) for a total of 20 young Indonesian lecturers. IMPoME started in 2009 and has so far produced 22 master-degree holders in Realistic Mathematic Education (RME) while currently there are 10 students still studying in the Netherlands at the Freudenthal Institute of the University of Utrecht. The two final groups of students will depart to the Netherlands in 2013 and 2014. From the Dutch side the financial contribution comes from the StuNed Scholarship programme.

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Impome 2012-2013 now is opened

Pendaftaran beasiswa IMPoME untuk periode 2012 telah dibuka, dengan syarat-syarat sebagai berikut:

1. Mengisi aplication form dengan lengkap, download di sini: stuned_form_impome_2012
2. Mengisi CV dengan lengkap, download di sini: cv-form-neso_2012
3. Fotocopy Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP)
4. Pas Photo 4 x6 (1 lembar)
5. Ijazah S1
6. Transkrip nilai dengan nilai IPK minimal 3, 00
7. Sertifikat TOEFL dengan score minimal 500
8. SK CTAB (Surat Keputusan Calon Tenaga Akademik Baru) dari Rektor

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Stiill in National Teacher Day

‎"Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own." ~ Nikos Kazantzakis

Teachers: Thank you for being a “bridge” for your students! ~Heidi

Reference : http://www.uniqueteachingresources.com/

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Happy National Teacher Day
Every year on 25th November, Indonesian people celebrate the National Teacher Day. This event is to memorize teachers who dedicate their lives to help students become succeed and passionately lead us to be a good human being.  Teachers are our parents when we leave home to get school. Say thank to my teachers :-)

read also : unique teaching

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Everyone has problems in his/her life, but do you know what a problem is? having a discussion with my lecturer and classmates, we referred a problem as something that differs between the results and expected goal, needs to be solved, encourages somebody to find out the solution or to do something dealing with the problems.

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Pre-Classroom Observation
One of required courses for IMPoME 2012 students at Sriwijaya University is classroom observation. The lecturer of this course is Mrs. Ratu Ilma Indra Putri. This course aims to implement Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Education (red. Pendidikan Matematika Realistik Indonesia / PMRI) in collaboration with teachers. Some elementary schools in Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia have been selected in order to be pioneer schools which allow IMPoME students as observers to carry out their PMRI material made by observers and teachers at those schools.

Before implementing PMRI materials, observers have to do pre-observation in order to know the school, school's environment, facilities, pupils, teachers, and other things relating to observations. My team and I have a chance to get a classroom observation at Pusri elementary school. Two classes are now being the classroom objects,classroom 2D and classroom 5C respectively.
For more detail, you can download PDF file of pre-observation at Pusri elementary school.
Classroom activity : The teacher guides a pupil to use a tool media.

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NOVEMBER 10, 2012

Every year on Nov. 10, people of Indonesia celebrate National Heroes Day. November 10, 1945 is the day where Battle of Surabaya appeared  in which pro-independence Indonesian soldiers and militia fought against British and Dutch troops as part of the Indonesian National Revolution. Do you still remember who our national heroes are? May be you have forgotten about them. Each day has its own hero, and everyone perhaps is a hero in his or her own way. I suggest you to choose your own hero since everyone has his/ her hero(s).Being a hero is not always to fight again enemies, a hero is just an ordinary people who can make mistake and he is not perfect human being. However, a hero is someone who has a great motivation to develop himself, others, and his country and gives the light in dark.

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